Friday, April 19, 2013

The Foundation


Equal Money (EM) is a comprehensive, Earth-friendly solution that is being developed to replace the old world-system of Money – designed for power and control, with a new world-system of Equality – designed to function in the best interests of All. The basis of EM is that, all life is created equally; and as such, All are entitled to an equal opportunity to live a dignified life.

Equality and Oneness within and as the starting-point principle of what is best for All is the “only” Foundation upon which we may truly begin anew; anything less is just setting ourselves up for “another” historic fall.

Don't fret! It's not about Buddhism, Taoism, or any other philosophy or religion for that matter; it's just basic math, 1+1=2. Meaning that, no matter what you do to the equation of what is here within and as Planet Earth, the Whole as One is always equal to and determined by the sum of its parts, as above so below, as within so without... It's a shame we've taken evident truth, and thus all that would flow from and of it, and turned it into a religious catch-phrases so as to keep people from seeing (and thus taking responsibility) the key in the simplicity of what is actually here as planet, people, animals, nature...

To put the equality equation into perspective, think of it like this: If there were only two beings on Earth, the presence or action of each being would be equally represented in outflows of/as consequence for better or worse. Consequence of one-being +Consequence of another being = the outflows of Consequence of 2 beings (1C+1C=2C). Note that, no matter how many beings we add to this equation, the best case scenario for the whole and each as an equal-part of the whole, is always going to be where each-being stand/move for and as what is best for All. Herein, the principles of “give as One would like to receive”, “do unto another as One would have done”, and so on, form the basis of establishing/determining what is best for all. Just remember that, it all starts in the small, and as per the function of a system, what happens to the Whole, equally reflects unto us All. 

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