Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Life's Matter of Relationships

Life as a foundation is a matter of relationships from within and as which, a seed may - depending upon the Equality its relationships or Ecosystem - grow and flourish or wither and die. The Equality of the relationships define and determine the nature of everything within and as the Foundation of Life, be it Eco-Logical or the current Eco-No-Me.

Earth within and as the Solar system is a prime example of a foundation of Life that has for aeons unconditionally provided the opportunity for Life flourish within and as its Ecosystem. Yet when we as the human-seed entered into the Equation, the Equality of the relationships changed, and the Blight spread across the Land.

Key here, to understanding a point of Life, is to realize that it's All in and as the Relationships, our acceptances and allowances, that determine the nature of who we are and what we are becoming. Equalize the Relationships, and we equalize Life. Add the Principle of “What is best for All” to the Equation, and we begin to Evolve.

All human relationships are (in one way or another) defined and determined by Money; accordingly, Money is the determining factor of the quality of Life on Planet Earth, and herein lies the cause of the current devolution Life. In short, the quality of our relationships is Evil. We as mankind, humanity, and now the human Race (to change before it's too late) have given value unto our relationship/idea/concept of Money/Mind, over and above our relationship to and as the Life that is Physically here. In essence, we have reversed ourselves to an extreme demur of “Mind over Matter”; thus giving our energetic experiences Value over and above the Matters of the physical reality.I mean, how often do you see plants blowing-upmountain-tops in search/desire of something precious inside that can be converted into money to buy some happiness even just for a short time; or animals drilling deep down into the earth to suck its blood dry in exchange for some Money/Love/Happiness? These are not metaphors; they are actual depictions of what we as human beings have become, vampire consumer zombie parasites that suck the life-blood from everything including ourselves for the sole purpose of sustaining our Mental relationships within and as the illusion that, “As long as you're Happy My Dear, nothing else Matters.” It's a disconnect from reality on an individual and global level.


  • Humanity's relationship/valuation of Mind/Money/Energy over and above Life/Physicality has resulted in the Evolution of Mind/Money, and the Devaluation of Life/Physicality.

Possible Solution:

  • As Life is Relationships, and Money is that which define human beings' relationships, why not simply realign the value of Money to the value of Life so that all relationships are brought to Equal standings?

The implementation of this part of the EM plan might come under the heading, Software Upgrade. Currently the entire system is so skewered with different definitions/values of Money – cash, plastic, metal, physical, non physical, etc. – that, abuse has become the Rule instead of the exception. What Equal Money will do is reset the Value of Money to the Value of Life. Accordingly, as Life is an absolute, as in – the only value is the value of Life, the room to abuse will be extensively curtailed. An hour of work/labor anywhere will be worth exactly the same as an hour of work/labor everywhere. It will be like overlaying the skewered relationship/Money lines of the old system, with new lines, absolutely defined within and as the Equality of Life. Does this mean that money will be placed on equal footing with life? No, it is purely to be used as an organizational and accounting tool. “Money thus becomes the management and accounting tool to assess and organize resources, ensuring that everyone is provided for equally and granted access to all services and goods required to live in a efficiently functioning global environment. Consequently within this global environment, the human is placed into the position of benevolent benefactor in the construction of ecosystems.”1

Sources/Further Reading:


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