Showing posts with label Equal Money System. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Equal Money System. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Life's Matter of Relationships

Life as a foundation is a matter of relationships from within and as which, a seed may - depending upon the Equality its relationships or Ecosystem - grow and flourish or wither and die. The Equality of the relationships define and determine the nature of everything within and as the Foundation of Life, be it Eco-Logical or the current Eco-No-Me.

Earth within and as the Solar system is a prime example of a foundation of Life that has for aeons unconditionally provided the opportunity for Life flourish within and as its Ecosystem. Yet when we as the human-seed entered into the Equation, the Equality of the relationships changed, and the Blight spread across the Land.

Key here, to understanding a point of Life, is to realize that it's All in and as the Relationships, our acceptances and allowances, that determine the nature of who we are and what we are becoming. Equalize the Relationships, and we equalize Life. Add the Principle of “What is best for All” to the Equation, and we begin to Evolve.

All human relationships are (in one way or another) defined and determined by Money; accordingly, Money is the determining factor of the quality of Life on Planet Earth, and herein lies the cause of the current devolution Life. In short, the quality of our relationships is Evil. We as mankind, humanity, and now the human Race (to change before it's too late) have given value unto our relationship/idea/concept of Money/Mind, over and above our relationship to and as the Life that is Physically here. In essence, we have reversed ourselves to an extreme demur of “Mind over Matter”; thus giving our energetic experiences Value over and above the Matters of the physical reality.I mean, how often do you see plants blowing-upmountain-tops in search/desire of something precious inside that can be converted into money to buy some happiness even just for a short time; or animals drilling deep down into the earth to suck its blood dry in exchange for some Money/Love/Happiness? These are not metaphors; they are actual depictions of what we as human beings have become, vampire consumer zombie parasites that suck the life-blood from everything including ourselves for the sole purpose of sustaining our Mental relationships within and as the illusion that, “As long as you're Happy My Dear, nothing else Matters.” It's a disconnect from reality on an individual and global level.


  • Humanity's relationship/valuation of Mind/Money/Energy over and above Life/Physicality has resulted in the Evolution of Mind/Money, and the Devaluation of Life/Physicality.

Possible Solution:

  • As Life is Relationships, and Money is that which define human beings' relationships, why not simply realign the value of Money to the value of Life so that all relationships are brought to Equal standings?

The implementation of this part of the EM plan might come under the heading, Software Upgrade. Currently the entire system is so skewered with different definitions/values of Money – cash, plastic, metal, physical, non physical, etc. – that, abuse has become the Rule instead of the exception. What Equal Money will do is reset the Value of Money to the Value of Life. Accordingly, as Life is an absolute, as in – the only value is the value of Life, the room to abuse will be extensively curtailed. An hour of work/labor anywhere will be worth exactly the same as an hour of work/labor everywhere. It will be like overlaying the skewered relationship/Money lines of the old system, with new lines, absolutely defined within and as the Equality of Life. Does this mean that money will be placed on equal footing with life? No, it is purely to be used as an organizational and accounting tool. “Money thus becomes the management and accounting tool to assess and organize resources, ensuring that everyone is provided for equally and granted access to all services and goods required to live in a efficiently functioning global environment. Consequently within this global environment, the human is placed into the position of benevolent benefactor in the construction of ecosystems.”1

Sources/Further Reading:


Saturday, May 11, 2013

Equal Money and some Real Change

Historically speaking,   change has usually been defined “For us” in  the lines  of the Revolution, hypocritical politicians, and misinformation of the Corporate media. And, as long as the consumers were kept well fed, few seemed to notice or care that the change for the “better” was being applied to an ever decreasing minority, while the change for “the worse” was being levied on the ever increasing majority. Point being: that which we have in the past defined as “change” was not real change, because as a whole, nothing changed, it just got worse; we have not Evolved, and this is a fact backed-up by the Present physical reality of this planet and all its inhabitants. Now, we have begun the process on the path to be and become Real Change, that which is best for All, Evolution.

It's interesting how when something bad happens to us, we'll take to the streets to protest and demand change; yet when the bad falls upon someone else, we all too often just ignore. Take for example the austerity measures (read deletion of wealth) currently being imposed in various places throughout the world. The people in the streets, the ones who are now directly affected by an abusive system are in large-part the same ones who once ignored. Where were they/we when the same abuse was happening to our counterparts on the other side of the world; nowhere to be found because with ignorance comes hope that as long as we don't look at the bad, it may just pass us by, or so we pray. Then suddenly when we least expect it, the badness comes crashing through our doors, and just like that we're out on the streets. Angrily, we demand and plead for our rights. But it's too late because just as we once ignored the plight/rights of others, so to will ours now be ignored, not as punishment, but as a last resort so that we may finally understand the shoes of another.

Notice how the phrase, “4.8 billion people living at or below the poverty line...” apparently/probably (as with me) doesn't really affect you. This is because we're not yet one of the ever-increasing majority living/surviving/dying at or below the poverty line; it's out of sight, so it's out of mind, and this is the way the current system is designed to hide the negative. You see, the System doesn't want you to see what's really going on, because if you really understood what was happening behind the scenes, you might actually stand up, demand and become real Change. From just about any Internet-chart showing the widening wealth gap, it's clear that it's just a matter of time before the size of the forgotten masses becomes so large that ignorance will no longer be possible. Anarchy and chaos will likely ensue, as segments of the system come crashing down.

Hope will not turn this world around; us taking self-responsibility for all that is here will. Remember that we are the system; we are everything that is here, so we also have the ability/responsibility to change what is here. Prevention in the form of immediate action, NOW is our best option, and here we are uniquely suited to use our imaginations to place ourselves in the shoes of another, and then do for them/All what you would have done unto and for you if you were standing in their shoes. Stand and Support Equal Money. 

In every Right is Responsibility. What are our current abilities? Recalling the image we constructed in our imagination of the World System, it is perhaps clear that the action/inaction of each person, influences all individually and as a whole, and nowhere is this more clearly represented than in the flow or currency of Money. Think of it like this: if the whole is composed of three equal points, yourself (A) and two others (B and C), your view/perspective of yourself, B and C as the whole is going to be defined and determined by your-self and the other two. By drawing money/relationship lines from each point to each other (to form a triangle), we see that whatever each point does or doesn't do (with or for Money), equally defines and thus determines the shape/nature of the whole; hence one's Ability to participate "in the decision-making process" is also one's Responsibility to participate.

A challenge or small change we might consider, is to each time we purchase something, Consider the impact of the money that we spend. Trace the relationship lines as far down as your imagination will go, and simply estimate how that purchase is defining/determining the nature of the whole; herein we begin to see how every cent we spend, indeed has an impact. I (as A) am the consumer; B is the producer, and C is the nine-year-old child working 16 hours a day in B's Bangladesh sweatshop. Now, do I  really need a new shirt?

It's late in the Day; yet we do still have a window of opportunity. Thanks to technology, especially the Internet as the Global Mind, we are able to unite from near and afar, making Equal Money an Internet accessible project in which one is able to be both monitor and participant. The political legitimacy to implement Real Evolutionary change – change for the betterment of All – will not come from the Government above, nor will it suddenly materialize because we are in the moral right. No one can give us the self-governing traits of self honesty/responsibility in equality for and as what is best for all; we must become it. One's responsibility is always just a matter of taking the next step, and as always the opportunity is right Now.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Equal Money: What's in It for Me?

In the last post we talked about the Foundation of “Oneness and Equality within and as the principles of what is best for All.” This starting point is specific; for in striding to build perfection, it is only logical to begin with the foundation of equal standing.

What's in it for Me?

Freedom from Fear: that is what's in it for you, me and All who are willing to stand and gift unto ourselves and All, the equal opportunity to to live a dignified life. Fear – as will be explained in detail – is the the current/driver of human Consciousness, collectively projected outward from the Small to the Big, manifested as the World System of Money as the design of Power and Control.i In other words, power and control within/as the World System of Money is based on fear, represented at all levels, by the currencies of Money. At the lowest level, the fear is defined as want, need and desire for enough money to stay alive, survive in the jungle. As we move up the hierarchical class-structure of the system, the foundation of fear remains the same; yet the definition changes from the fear of not having enough, to the fear of losing what one has, interestingly defined as want, need and desire for More money to (stay in class) survive in the jungle. As we come to understand the design of the system and our roles within/as it, we will realize that we as pillars of the system, are its power source, and therefore responsible for all outflows, for better or worse. Thus will come again the Choice: continue to give up one's power unto a system that does not value Life, or stand, take back your power, and become part of the force of that which is best for All.


What will change in an Equal Money System?

Fear will be Eradicated.



Sunday, April 14, 2013

Continuing with Systems

In the previous blog-post, we broke-down a system to “imagine” its smallest particle or “singularity,” so as to visualize the basis of a system, how each single part, regardless of its location and/or grouping within and as the whole, inescapably function equal-as-one in defining and determining the nature of the whole. In order for each singularity to optimally benefit “as all as one,” all parts must be aligned with each-other, directing themselves within/as what is best for all; accordingly, insuring the health and harmony of the whole as well as each of its parts. This is how the human physical body function, innumerable singularities within/as systems within/as the physical, functioning for and as what is best for all. Which brings us to the World-system of Money and the human effect; where did we go wrong, why are we not aligned within and as what is best for the body as a whole, best for All?

Friday, April 12, 2013

What's all this Talk about Systems?

A system is a set of connected things or parts forming a complex whole, in particular; or a set of things working together as parts of a mechanism or an interconnecting network (source: Google search, “system”). The World System is the sum/total of the connections or relationships of each of its parts. Accordingly, Planet Earth, within and as the atmosphere, is the manifested representation1 of the World System. From within and as the World-System, all other (worldly) systems flow.

Use your Imagination to visualize how systems function – from the small to big and big to small. Picture “everything” within/as the Earth's atmosphere, as a glass-sphere. Now, within/as that sphere, choose the tiniest single-particle that you can imagine. From that particle as a starting point, draw individual light-blue relationship lines to each of the particles that may influence or be influenced by that single starting-point particle. If you are familiar with Physics, what you probably just did was to draw individual lines from that single-particle to every other single-particle within/as the sphere. Now, one particle at a time, do the exact same thing with all of the other single-particles in/as the sphere, until you have addressed each single-particle as a unique starting-point within/as the sphere. What you are now holding within and as your imagination is a light-blue representation of the basis of the World System, enclosed within/as its very own atmosphere. Notice that although, the address/starting-point/perception of each particle is unique, the connections of each of the particles to each other – creating the whole – are equal. Now, reverse the view. From the the entirety of the sphere – as the sum/total of all the singular particles in relation to each other, follow the relationship line of each of the particles, back to that first single-particle.

  1. What in essence, determines/defines the nature of a system, as a whole?
  2. What in essence, determines/defines the nature of a single-particle or singularity?

1“manifested representation” refers to the behavior and works